
May 25, 2013


    I forgot you all didn't get to see my outfit from the other night when I hosted the Live in 3D networking event. I honestly once again had nothing to wear!!! (lol). I always want to go shopping when I go to events or anywhere for that matter but I have a closet full of clothes so I decided not to. I found a few things to wear that night, I went with this vintage black/white pattern shape printed two piece short set, I pieced it with some leather leggings, and a sheer button up which I tied around my waist (looking back at the outfit I honestly didn't need that at all, oh well!). I know you guys have been seeing me wear my Cobain Gladiator sandals a lot BUT I never get the full wear out of the shoes I own and I decided to start. I got the short set from one of my favorite thrifts called "Park ave Thrift" ( Click here to check out Facebook page), they have a lot of amazing pieces! (Park Ave Thrift is also where I get a lot of the two piece sets from I wear). 

Brim hat: Horse Town /
Pattern print short set: Park Ave Thrift / Facebook
Leather Leggings 
Cobain Gladiators Sandals : Aldo /

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