The Only Way Is Up

" Things done well and with care, exempt themselves from fare." -William Shakespeare 

As I was sitting at home just doing research and putting together new blog post. I got a call/text from one of my bro's Roberto Johnson ( ) to link up in the city and since I was mostly done I thought why not.
He wanted to catch the Awol Erizku " The Only Way Up " exhibit at the Hasted Kraeutler gallery before it closed. We made it just in time to see most of all Erizku photographs, sculptures and installations which were pretty dope from what you can see from my images. He had a dope basketball hop dislike, with a tone of great sculptures of african like mask and also great photograph some of over favorite social media stars and of Roberto which was cool. Take a look at the photos and get to the exhibit it ends in August 15

537 west 24th st
New York, NY 10011

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